Having just read about a way to score big on the stock market, I am ready to invest. It is not without trepidation, however. Last time I invested the market crashed, I lost all my savings!
This article caught my eye regarding Penny Stocks: http://www.smarterlifestyles.com/2011/09/20/discover-a-way-to-beat-the-odds/
So you reader, are going to have to help me out here. Have you personally invested in them? Have you made substantial gains?
Everyone I know has pulled out of the stock market for obvious reasons. This investment, however, feels good to me. I have a little bit saved, and I need to build up what I have.
It is all in savings, because it is my "rainy day" fund. Trouble is, I have had too many rainy days. What started out as a respectable amount of savings has dwindled down to much less in the course of one year.
There are always unforeseen expenses, car, living, weddings, birthdays, etc. etc.....
I have always been against a passbook savings mentality. Yet, it feels like this is my destiny unless I take a calculated risk with an investment.
Is there even such thing as a safe investment these days?
My mother used to tell me: "scared money never wins," and I am afraid I am still in that category concerning my finances.
I feel that if the money went away so fast it won't take me too many more years to have nothing left.
So here is dilemma, do I or don't I invest? I am going to start to do more research on penny stocks.
Please share your war stories with me.
A penny for your thoughts please!
This article caught my eye regarding Penny Stocks: http://www.smarterlifestyles.com/2011/09/20/discover-a-way-to-beat-the-odds/
So you reader, are going to have to help me out here. Have you personally invested in them? Have you made substantial gains?
Everyone I know has pulled out of the stock market for obvious reasons. This investment, however, feels good to me. I have a little bit saved, and I need to build up what I have.
It is all in savings, because it is my "rainy day" fund. Trouble is, I have had too many rainy days. What started out as a respectable amount of savings has dwindled down to much less in the course of one year.
There are always unforeseen expenses, car, living, weddings, birthdays, etc. etc.....
I have always been against a passbook savings mentality. Yet, it feels like this is my destiny unless I take a calculated risk with an investment.
Is there even such thing as a safe investment these days?
My mother used to tell me: "scared money never wins," and I am afraid I am still in that category concerning my finances.
I feel that if the money went away so fast it won't take me too many more years to have nothing left.
So here is dilemma, do I or don't I invest? I am going to start to do more research on penny stocks.
Please share your war stories with me.
A penny for your thoughts please!