Feeling Good About You

 We often get so caught up in our own drama in life that we forget about what is really important.  We know there are others that can use or help, but we turn a deaf ear to their needs and focus on ourselves.

My worrying is not going to change a thing in my life.  I can't make things better by worrying about them.

Here is my new agenda:  I have decided to take on others problems and help them out.

 My little experiment.  It makes me feel good, however; it is not always easy.  This requires commitment, and I actually am uncomfortable with commitment.

 I have no real reason not to be happy.  I have my health, am attractive, above average intelligence, all is good.

Maybe I believe I don't have a right to be happy.  Or, alternately, if I am really happy something terrible will happen.

After all, life is all about polarities.

I have noticed that when things are going well, really well, and everything is in sync, the other shoe always falls, and there is another fire to put out.

But if I distract myself with others concerns or issues, all is well with the world.  The importance of self is diminished and I am feeling good about myself.

And so, for me, it is Lent.  I have my own little hit list of what will help me this Lenten season.  None of it is going to be terribly difficult- I don't do difficult too well; but are the steps that will help me grow.

I can't tell you exactly what I am doing, because then that would really be boasting.  Some of tasks involve financial sacrifices, time sacrifices, and some involved doing things that are uncomfortable for me. 

It doesn't have to be Lent for you to do something special for someone.  It can be as simple as saying hello to a coworker you don't like, or offering to help a needy neighbor in some way.  

So go on, grab a piece of paper, or start a new document on your computer and jot down some random acts of kindness you've always wanted to do. 

 Don't make it too hard, or you won't do them.  Just take inventory of things or people you've neglected, or haven't paid attention to lately. Then you can check off a task a week.

And you know what, when you finish you will feel soooooooo good about yourself!

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