The Haircut- Vidal Sassoon London

The sixties were fun times.  So many changes were evolving.  Women were liberated by the birth control pill,; students were protesting , the Viet Nam war was raging.

Hemlines shrunk,  hair rollers' were passe.  No wonder it was called the swinging sixties.

Enter Vidal Sassoon.  His name was on every fashionista's lips.  This hip, new trendsetter had every woman's attention when he lopped off  hair and introduced the 5 point cut.  From The Archives, Remembering Vidal Sassoon

We said goodbye to the "flipped" and  "page boy" styles.
Grace Coddington
Grace Coddington models the Five-Point cut
Photo: David Montgomery/Getty Images
I was about to turn 21.  The year was 1972.  My sister was a flight attendant for National Airlines.  My best friend, my mother, and I were booked on her flight out of Miami to London.  On boarding the plane, we upgraded to first class.

Can it get any better?

Mom was a pass rider. We were anxious about her getting "bumped" and missing the flight.  The doors were just about to close on the plane when she boarded.  We all breathed a sigh of relief!

I was wearing my hair in a "shag" - the hot hair cut of the day.   Since London was the mecca of the fashion world back in the day.

 Vidal Sassoon had opened his salon in 1954, in a trendy section of London.  He was the first hairdresser to earn the title of hair stylist.   Fashion conscious women were eager to try out his wash and wear hair cuts.

It was no surprise that after landing at Heathrow Airport,  I couldn't wait to book an appointment at his salon.

There is no way I would go to London without having my hair cut at Vidal Sassoon.

This was going to give me bragging rights.  It was the one thing I had to do, now that I was going to turn 21.

The following day, I arrived early.  My friend accompanied me, asking if I was sure I wanted to do this.  My  mind was made up and I was excited about the change.

I had no idea of what style I was going to get.  Of course, I did not get booked with Vidal himself, but one of his many stylists'.

A trendy redhead with fair skin introduced herself as "Herta."  Fingering through my abundant head of hair, she asked;

 "Have you thought about going a bit shorter?"

The decision was made, and my shoulder-length layered style was history.  I looked at my locks on the floor, as she carefully snipped away. I felt my heart beating as  I closed my eyes tightly, afraid to look in the mirror.

When I finally got the courage, I  opened them, delightfully surprised with the new me.

I walked out of the salon with a chin length bob,  and a sculpted neckline.  I loved the style!

Vidal set the trend for young women in the day.  Being the smart and talented businesses man that he was, Vidal understood fashion- leading him to create his own line of jeans and ready-to-wear line.

When I heard of his passing it saddened me.  I thought of my amazing trip to London- sporting a Vidal Sassoon cut-  celebrating my birthday on top of the London Hilton.

Turning 21 at the end of the swinging sixties is one of my fondest memories.

The haircut today represents Mod England.  Vidal has a place in history- I will forever remember him and that memorable summer.

Credit Issues Can Cost You Your Job

Outrageous.   We've all heard about employers' checking credit scores and social media sites to research their employees' credit scores and find out more about their lifestyles.  I hadn't heard of anyone actually being fired for having credit issues before I read this: A Petition on

It is happening.  According to, Latoya Harton, an accountant, was fired from her job because her debt-to-credit ratio was too high.  Unbelievable.  Latoya is trying to pay off student loan debt.  This is out and out discrimination.  It must be stopped.

According to Latoya, 60% of employers now check employees credit reports, namely TransUnion credit. This company sells credit reports to employers'.  According to; TransUnion's Chair sits on Obama's job panel.

This is an outrage!

Citizens cannot sit sit still with this any longer;  witness Occupy and other emerging citizens' groups springing up around the country.

This leaves me asking, what's next?  Are employers' going to put camera's in our bedrooms' and bug our telephone calls?

It all makes me very nervous.  Remember Nazi Germany?  This regime started innocently enough.  You were a good German if you joined the party, and look what happened with that mentality.

This is no different.  Our country is in danger of becoming socialist.  We are now being discriminated against  because of our personal income and how we manage money.  Excuse me, but Donald Trump and other Entrepreneurs' couldn't have gotten where they're at if they were being scrutinized by companies checking out their credit.

Just like conducting any other analysis, we need to stop and reflect where this could have started.  Yes, our economy is in trouble, people out of work, and businesses are closing left and right.  The paranoia has now extended to citizens' private lives, which should have nothing to do with this issue.

We have to contact our local legislators and let them know that we do not approve!  It has to start at the grass roots level and work its way up to Washington and big business has to hear our voice.

I urge you to go to this petition and be heard.

 Let businesses know you are not okay with this privacy invasion.

Cuba Remembered

Havana vintage taxi's Boston Globe (

I have a picture of my parents' hanging in my hallway.  It is a classic.  Taken in the 1940's, in Havana, Cuba.

Havana was the place to be see and be seen in that era.  My mother and dad are seated at the bar at a club named "Sloppy Joe's."  Seated next to them a tour guide, with his hair greased back and parted in the middle in the middle.

I love to look at this picture and dream.  Dream about the fashions of the era, and what Cuba would be like to visit.  This article caught my eye and provided some excitement. After 50 years of restrictions, Cubans Hope to Travel Freely.

Amazing.  Back in the late 1950's my dad had just completed building an aluminum extrusion company in Havana.  It was in operation two days, and was shut down by the government.  Dad lost that plant, and with it, many of his dreams.

This is welcomed news.  It wasn't only dad that was effected, but millions of Cuban nationals that had to flee their country for the promise of new beginnings in the United States.  I lived the Cuban drama growing up in Miami.  I witnessed the acculturation of the Cuban population, having to start their lives over again, and leave everything behind.

While there are still restrictions on travel for doctors', scientists' and military personnel.  The Marxist regime is now opening real estate transactions and sales, and some private enterprise.  All in all, this looks very promising .

Perhaps Raul Castro will have a more liberal outlook with regard to relaxing much of Cuba's restrictions on free enterprise and offer more flexibility for its' citizens.

Families were broken when grandfathers' and grandmothers' reluctantly saw their offspring leave Cuba, knowing it might be many years' before they would see them again.

A couple I know went to Cuba for their honeymoon.  They had to jump through hoops to get visas' in the underground market because of previous travel restrictions.  Frankly, I hope Mr. Castro realizes that bringing free enterprise into his country can only bring more stabilization to his people, and will work in his favor to retain the doctors' and scientists' in residence.

For  me, I am hoping I will be able to visit Havana.  I want to go by the building that once was "Sloppy Joe's" to reflect on the good times my parents' had in Havana.

While I'm not packing my suitcase just yet, the thought of taking the trip is still very exciting.

Don't Discuss This at Work

I have broken every rule. I know it is part of my personality, but I found this advise a great reminder: 10 Things You Should Never Tell Your Boss .
  • Your Living Situation
I can remember scrambling around, trying to find an apartment a couple of years' ago. Everyone at the office knew I was on a budget, (I broke another rule).
I had to find a place that was inexpensive, and would take a big dog. Fact is, this should not have been shared in the office. One can be stereotyped by his or her living situation. Particularly, if you are going home to live with parents, or are having trouble making ends meet. 
Being a extrovert, it is too easy for me to blurt out my age, (no, no!), personal issues. I, like others, tend to get too comfortable at the office with co-workers. I realize that this has undermined me in the workplace before. 
Although I hate to think about this, the truth is, there are people in the workplace that don't like me. They may want me out for what ever reason. The moment I share sensitive information with them, I can count on this getting back to my boss. I know that my indiscretions will not be welcomed news. 
The lesson here is, personal information is just that, and should be kept close to the vest. If only I can remember this! 
  • Mental Health Issues
We all have had some mild mental health issues, whether it be a loss, or some kind of set-back that can compromise our work. It is best kept to ourselves. Obviously, if there is a death in the family, your supervisor has to know- in order to for you to make plans to take off.
However, how you react to the loss, or how it has effected you is none of her business. The rationale here is, sharing how you feel, or how you are coping with any issues may get you passed over for any promotion for which you are being considered. 
The rationale is that you are unstable, and cannot handle the promotion. 
It all seems so innocent, and we all are human. We spend 8, 10 hours and sometimes more with our co-workers, letting our guard down is easy. Fact is, letting our guard down can put us on death row. 
I will let you read the other 8 things you should not tell your boss on your own. I want to end with sharing a little story with you about my own indiscretion that jeopardized my job. 
Having held a Marketing Management position for a company, I was in a continuing education workshop taught by another Marketing Manager (far younger, far less experienced than myself). At lunch, I made a stupid, off-hand comment about salary, something along the lines of "and for all of $________a year, I get to....."

I sealed my death warrant. Turns out, the rookie was making far less than me, and that got back to my supervisor. It was not pretty. 
He may have been far less experienced, but much wiser! 
The next time I want to open my mouth, I will exercise restraint. . I have to keep reminding myself, co-workers are not friends. Inasmuch as I want them to be, it is what it is. 
When I want to whine, I will try to visualize three large pieces of masking tape over my mouth. 

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: The Ruthless Killer

Still another cow has been identified as having Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE )or Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in humans (aka Mad Cow Disease).  The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) wants us to believe this latest incident is nothing to be concerned about, as this is a dairy cow, and as such - cannot transmit this disease.

This is not an acceptable answer for me.  If this cow is infected, and we don't know how it got infected, how many more cattle are in our food supply with the disease?  Truth is, no one knows how many cows are effected because only a portion of our cattle is tested.  According to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Foundation (CJDF); the USDA randomly 40,000 cows per year. 

Thirty-five million cows are slaughtered annually.  You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that is not much of a test.  According to The Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Foundation (CJDF), the USDA feels that the test is working, as only 4 cases have been detected since the first infected cow was discovered in 2003.

Moreover, according the CJDF, the USDA is considering relaxing the Over 30 Month (OTM) rule that has been enacted to protect the government meat supply in this country.  Should this happen,  cattle from other countries will  be introduced into our meat supply, upping the odds that cattle will be infected.

I had a good friend contract Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.  Her earliest symptoms were that she felt dizzy.  She initially thought it was an ear disorder.  A CT scan confirmed the diagnosis. Shortly after this first symptom, she lost her vision and was bedridden.  

In 6 weeks she was dead.  I was devastated.  

I don't want this to happen to anyone.  It is a cruel and horrific disease.  We need to be accountable for our families and loved ones, and fight this legislation.  Because it is still a relatively rare disease, it is not a hot topic for most Americans.  

If you have more questions and concerns please check out the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, website, or contact them at 1-800-659-1991.

The "Screamers:" Muscle Head Madness

I go to the gym every day on my lunch hour.  I have always found it quiet, and relaxing.  A time I can put my head phones on and get lost in listening to my favorite music.

That was how I enjoyed my lunch hour  until  "the screamers" joined my gym.

The "screamers" are muscle-head males.  They demonstrate their machoness every day with head rattling vocal ability.  The notes they reach would rival Pavarotti.  All I can think of is asking them if they know that their weights are too heavy.

But I wouldn't dare.

I keep thinking that today will be the day when they give it a break. But just when I get on the tread mill it begins again..


They may think it is attractive, but honestly, with much more of this, I am going to buy them a bottle of Milk-of-Magnesia!

I look around when this happens, everyone - including other men,- stop what they're doing and look over at the side show with me.

Yet still, no one comments, or makes remarks about how rude they are.  It is taking center stage in a place where people want to mellow and fade into the wood work.

Someone should write a book on gym etiquette...hmmmm.

Macho men of the world and wannabe's:  Please don't do this in the gym.  I respect your right to work out along with me, but couldn't you just tone it down a little? Maybe just grunt and let it go at that?  Does it have to be a long, drawn out, cave man display of  percolating testosterone?

For all this, these guys have physiques like sumo wrestlers.  I don't know about you, but I don't find that attractive.

I bet Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't a screamer, are you Arnold?

I miss my quiet lunch hour work out.  I don't think I will have those quiet work outs again.  Not if I want to continue to patronize the same gym.

Just my luck, I will change gyms', and find "screamers" at the new gym.

I am hoping that maybe I will get lucky, and you are reading this.   I won't find out until I get to the gym today.


Reinventing Yourself

Marriane Faithful and Mick Jagger, circa 1960's

Captain  C.B. Sullenberg just introduced a new book: What it Means to Be a Genuine Leader;  Marianne Faithful has forged a new career in art: Innocence and Experience, Curated by Marianne Faithful.

Captain C.B. Sullenberg,
Captain Sullenberg, you recall, became America's hero, when he skillfully landed a plane on the Hudson River.   Marrianne Faithful, was everybody's sweetheart and Mick Jagger's girlfriend in the 1960's.  Both Captain Sullenberg and Marianne Faithful were at the end of their careers, but decided to reinvent themselves.

Granted, Faithful already had achieved success-skyrocketing to fame when she hit American airwaves singing the Rolling Stones song  As Tears Go By.  American was seduced by her coy and feminine manner, and angel-soft voice.

Captain Sullenberg, on the other hand, was a successful pilot whom had training in emergency maneuvers and just happened to be the right captain for the challenge when he landed a jet on the Hudson River.

What a perfect opportunity for him to write about about his insight into leadership.

Then there is John Walsh.  John lost his son Adam to a predator in a Sear's store back in 1980's.  As a public relations practitioner, the tragedy opened a new door for him as a television host on America's Most Wanted.

However, people like you and I are also discovering new careers, and hidden talents, just when we think it is time to settle down and fade into the sunset.

Maybe you, too, have had a tragedy in your life- and want to give up. Perhaps, you can't see the door that is open for you because of the tragedy.

I had spent half my life in mall marketing and non-profit public relations work.  Just before I turned 50, I felt a burn out, I wanted to do something that would put me in charge of my own destiny.  So I went into real estate. I did that for 8 years.  I am now ready to try another hat on, and do something new!

I often said, I am afraid my epitaph will read:  Here lies a woman who never lived up to her potential.  I don't want that to happen.  My secret dream has always been writing.  I have wanted to be a writer since I was in high school.  I was often discouraged, because very few writers were successful.

So I have come full circle now.  I am doing what I have always wanted to do.

I have always felt there is a part of myself that is not fulfilled.  Now, regardless of what happens with my writing, I feel good knowing I have not put it off any longer.

So what is it you want to do?  Is there a secret dream you have, and are putting it off?

I can't think of a better time than now to throw your hat in the ring!

Wonder Women: Traits That Make You a Success

Every successful woman tells a story - a story about how they found they way into creating a niche' for themselves- a niche' that has not been tapped.  From Katie Couric to Martha Stewart, today's mega women started chipping away at themselves, doing what they love to do- reaching the pinnacle of success: Katie Couric: Moments, Choosing Journalism.

It is inspirational to listen to these stories, finding how they made dreams a reality.  

  • Katie Couric:  Katie got bit by the Journalism bug in grade school, reading a school essay to her classmates.  
  • Martha Stewart:  Started off like every other house wife, but ending up redesigning her house on her own, and finding a niche' in what was considered an otherwise unexciting calling, tending to home and hearth.
What struck me is that these women are not any different than you or I.  It is how they look at the world that makes them different.  It is the way they approach challenges, refusing to accept defeat.  They are all self- made millionaires and billionaires.  To think that just 50 odd years ago, nobody would ever think of women as capable of this.

Let's look at Barbara Walters.  She forged the way for today's women journalists.'  When she was first on the air, she raised a lot of eyebrows.

 She stood alone with giants in the industries:  Walter Chronkite, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley.

Barbara is so remarkable.  Her delivery, her innate ability to identify what people want to know about people. When she broke into a man's world on television, the audience soon forgot she was a woman. Her audience wanted to hear what she had to say.  She is well into her 80's and showing no sign of retiring anytime soon.

When ever the job search begins to wear me down.  I think of these ladies.  Instead of accepting defeat, I picture them just dusting off and getting back into the saddle.

Close your eyes and envision where you want to be, every detail, your office, your name on the door, the building.  Spend time perfecting your mantra and getting closer to your goal.

Your dream job is right around the corner!

Duped by PayPal Scheme

The email hadn't dried on my post on Internet Seduction when I received this:

Dear Customer, You have added as a new email address for your PayPal account. IP connection: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXConnection Time: 24-04-2012 2:32:07 If you did not authorize this change,check with family members and others who
mayhave access to your account first.If you still feel that an unauthorized person has changed your email: *Please download and unzip the form attached to your email.*Submitting this form will automatically restore your original PayPal account
email. Thank you.

There was an attachment with this email - with the PayPal logo - asking me for my social security number, address, email and credit card authorization number.  

I was floored.  

I  forwarded this to .  I received an email back, advising me that this was a  phishing attempt- thanking me for sending it on the PayPal security.  

Does it ever end?

I can understand how one can be easily duped.  These emails appear so innocent, so professional.  It is easy to panic and have a knee-jerk reaction when reading.

I am going to continue to use PayPal,  as my transactions have been secure thus far.
However, I think it important I share this with you:

  • Contact the vendor in question when you get an email like this
  • Check directory assistance or validate the correct telephone and email information on your statement.
  • Finally, report the incident once you validate the vendor credibility

I know we can beat these scammers at their own game.  

Let's fight the Internet seduction together.

Grandma Never Had This Talk With Me

This has got to be the greatest sex advice ever!  It is lovingly passed down to a 20 year old, from her 86 year old Grandmother:  Sex Advise From My Grandmother.

Amazing.  This woman is 86 years old, and wrote this on the back of her assisted care newsletter!  

Apparently, Grandma asked Mother if her granddaughter was a virgin, and proceeded to dish out a game plan for her.

In my house, all I heard was "never sleep with a man until you're married'.  These pearls' of wisdom passed down from generations of Lithuanian mothers.'  This Grandma gives Dr. Ruth a run for her money. 

No subject is taboo, she dishes on:
  • anal sex
  • oral sex
  • how to avoid STD's
  • picking out your soul mate
  • advise on dating
  • stingy men

I can't remember reading anything like this in Cosmopolitan, Glamour or any other rag!  

I especially like her take on having sex: 
"To know if you are both in love, you feel a "connection" in bed. If you feel ALONE in bed when having sex, you are with the WRONG man. This is CRITICAL! The connection of mind, body, soul!"
I should have read Grandma's advice before I married two men.  She covers everything I need to know, but don't.

You think?

Grandma also addresses credit card debt:

If he has any DUMP HIM.   ( I have already struck out on three counts).

I  decided I am copying this advise and tucking it away in my purse.  If I ever have a chance (again) to decide, I am whipping it out.

I am also picking up the phone to call my daughter.  I definitely have to cover a few things with her!

Internet Seduction

I think there's more money in being a scammer than in having a legitimate job.  Consider the latest expose' of these twin brothers: teen-twins-nabbed-in-robot-stock-pick-scam/

Seems these British teens had put together a stock newsletter and charged $47.00 a pop for tips on the hottest stocks.  Additionally, they were being paid under the table to promote a third party's stock on the side!

I wonder, at  what age do people become criminals?  It seems that they must have started as toddlers.  Just picking up the paper, or browsing the Internet, people can pick out at least a dozen or more different types of criminal activity.   In as much as the Internet has open new doors for businesses and new ventures, it has also compromised the safety of the public.

Every time I am asked for a password on a site, I shudder.  I know that nothing is sacred on the net.  Anyone can get any information they want using unsavory methods to hack into accounts.  Still, I give in to laziness and continue to do everything on line.  The Internet is so seductive, it makes everything so easy.  You can shop, bank, send money, get money, find love and just about anything else.

Here's my thinking: why get in your car to run errands when you can sit in your jammie's and do it all at home?  So, with the wonder and ease of on-line marketing and selling, we are left vulnerable.

I always think about how much I am willing to lose if things go south with any transaction.  Not that I have a lot to lose, but identity theft can cost one quite a bit.  Even if I do not have disposable income,  for example, my credit and all my personal information can be stolen in less than a minute.

Hmmm. so, I am not giving a second thought to paying my Nordstrom's online.  Just one of my many bill's that I   click to pay.

After all,  it is so much easier than buying a stamp and having to walk to the mailbox.

What it Takes to Rule the World

In watching the news coverage on Dick Clark last night, a clip of Madonna was shared of her in one of her first appearances, being interviewed by Clark.

It was no surprise when Clark asked her, "are you afraid?" (referring to her new found success and upcoming performances), with which she replied; "not really, I have always had self confidence."

That struck a note with me.  I think it answers the question of what quality determines success.

Self confidence.

If you don't have it, you won't get very far.  As for myself, I faked it, all my life.   I apparently did a very good job of it,  because I usually got the job I was after.  Trouble, is, if you don't really have self confidence, it eventually will come back to bite you, no matter what the endeavor.

How do you get self confidence?  First, the most conventional way to obtain it is from excellent parents'.  Parents' that remind you as a wee little one how extraordinary you are.  If your parents' don't have self confidence themselves, that may be a liability to you.

Other people, do not have a conventional upbringing, and just seem to have the "it"  factor.  They scratch and claw their way into life, setting their sights on a goal and winning.

I call them the fighters.

Their motivation is to prove to themselves and the world that they are winners. They are achievers.  They have their handicaps, but refuse to be vulnerable.  This is commonly referred to as over compensation.

I think I fall into that category.

The danger of faking self confidence is that it will eventually sabotage your work and life.  For example, in making decisions, you will find yourself questioning whether you made the right ones.  You will seek other counsel instead of relying on your own judgment.

People with self confidence, achieve what they want - because they know that they are right.  Against all odds, they pursue their goals and see success at the end.

It is almost impossible to acquire self confidence if you don't have it in the first place.  You can get better, but you always will have the inner voice questioning:

  •  Did I do a good job? 
  •  Make the right decision?
  •  Pick the right partner?

When Madonna ended her interview with Clark, she said, "I want to rule the world."

There is no question she has accomplished her goal.

What Would Have Become of Camelot?

President John F. Kennedy and Mary Pinchot Meyer in Pennsylvania in September 1963.

I remember the day all too well.  I was in Jr. High School, in 1963.  An announcement came over the loud speaker, it was our principal announcing that John F. Kennedy was shot dead in Texas.  School was immediately let out, tears streamed down students' faces, as if they had lost one of their own.

John Kennedy was bigger than  life to me at 12 years old.  He looked differently, acted differently, and was so handsome.  Nobody wore their hair quite like him, he had charm, and wasn't afraid to use it.  He cracked jokes as easily as downing a beer, and the media loved and protected him.  Something that would never happen today.

When I looked over this account of his latest dalliance, I wasn't surprised. Mary Pinchot Meyer JFK Mistress Assasinated.  I take the fact that Kennedy was a philanderer with a grain of salt.  He was so precious to me as a young girl, that, in my mind, he had no faults.  I felt, and still feel, that he always had the best interest of his country in mind, and would gladly die again for America.

I don't think this article, or anything else that has exposed his liaisons with actresses and acquaintances can ever ruin his credibility.  He was just too brilliant and kind for that to happen.  When he addressed the nation, you know he meant business.  We felt protected and privileged to have such a progressive, forward thinking leader.

We reveled in his family outings with John and Caroline.  We loved watching Jackie jump her horse, and watching Caroline learning to ride on her pony.  The one photo- besides the one of John John saluting his dad at the funeral - I will never forget is of John John playing under his desk at the White House.

Jackie, so fashion forward, was a breath of fresh air.  I especially enjoyed watching her first television presentation, when she took America on tour after redecorating the White House.  After the Eisenhower administration, the Kennedy's were royalty in the White House.  President's before Kennedy, were stuffy, formal.  We didn't see their wit, or have a window into their family life.

No wonder the years' Kennedy spent as our President are fondly remembered as the Camelot years.  Those years' were a fairy tale for most of America.  Even Khrushchev was charmed by Mrs. Kennedy, sending her a little dog she had expressed an interest in that was part of Russia's space program.

With the death of John Kennedy Jr, Caroline is all that is left of Camelot.  I often think of what Camelot would be like today, if John F Kennedy were alive.  I imagine he would be writing,  and still be involved in politics.  His reign ended far too soon, like all good fairy tales.

We can only wonder what would have become of Camelot had he still be alive.

Does Your Facebook Page Enhance Your Professional Image?

Employees may be scrutinized by their social media sites.  But should you really be concerned?  Look at the percentages of  companies that evaluated potential job candidates on their social media web sites: Here's What hiring Managers Actually Look For In Your Facebook Profile.

There are rumblings about managers looking at social media to evaluate potential hires.  If candidates' are foolish enough to post inappropriate information - or suggestive material on their sites- they should be concerned.

Good taste should be the rule.

I believe that social media sites, such as Facebook, provide a window into a candidate's personality; they can help hiring Managers determine if the potential employee is a good fit for the company.  For example: artwork, movies, family activities are all examples of sharing personal interests.  This kind of information can be very positive - portraying you as family oriented and well rounded.

I have posted religious photos on my site, and realize that is a no-no.  Religious beliefs can make me vulnerable in my job search quest.   I am aware of this risk, but chose to go ahead and post them anyway.

Where is gets dicey is when expletives are used on social media, provocative photos, obsessive  interests, for example; excessive discussion about weapons and explosives will probably not sit well with a potential employer.

It comes down to exercising good common sense.  I often forget that so many intelligent people lack common sense.  Whenever I post anything on my Facebook page, I always try to assess how that will be interpreted by my audience.  If I have any concerns, I just don't post the comment or article.

Actually, there are a lot of positives about having a presence in social media.  Your connections, for example, may be to prominent business people, your interests may tie into a company's mission.  Those examples may get you the key to the washroom door.

So, the next time you want to post something wild on your Facebook page, think about how it will impact your professional image and ask:

Will this post elevate my professional status? Or will it jeopardize that job or promotion I have long sought?

One final thought:  In this competitive job market, it just may come down to having good luck anyway.

Dead Man Phone Scam

I received a phone call last night from my son, he is concerned about an incident he is having with his new mobile phone service.

This is one to add to the list of strange and bizarre.  It is out there for sure.

He is able to phone out using his new service.  However, when someone tries to reach him you get the following message:

 "This phone was found on a deceased person.  This is _____ at  the ____ Hospital.  Please call the following number if you have any information on the deceased."

Needless to say, family members were absolutely panic stricken when they received this message.  Unbeknownst to him,  he was curious about why he hadn't received any calls.  When I tried his number, I realized I was at risk - as the offenders' now had a record of my caller ID.

It was obvious to me that this was not a legitimate message.  First of all, no police department would let a wireless company issue that telephone number to another person, while a crime is under investigation.  That was the first red flag.  The second, was asking for the caller to phone another number.  God knows what information can be garnered from simply making the call.  With all our sophisticated technology out there, it is open seasons for criminals.

My son called his wireless provider and reported the incident.  They are researching this now.  I imagine if someone were to call the number provided on the voice mail message, they would get hit with a big, fat charge.

What is next for scammers?

This is most devious attempt to defraud people of money, and the cruelest methodology ever used.

I am wondering if this has happened to you?

It is my hope this will open a forum for discussion as a public service to help educate the public about fraud.

I am willing to share your experiences on my site.

I look forward to your war stories, and would like to expose the "black slime" trying to take us down!


Getting Food Creative

Part of what I enjoy most about life, (okay, I will anty up,  the best part ) is eating.  While I don't eat everyting, the things I enjoy most I really enjoy.

In preparing my favorite meals, there are usually wonderful sauces in the recipe.  For example, I have a killer pot roast recipe.  The sauce that is part of the this recipe is unforgettable.  However, I always have so much sauce left over, and I think, geez, that's a lot to freeze.  So why didn't I think about this:  Freeze sauces in ice cube trays for perfectly preserved single servings.

Now this is the idea!  That pot roast sauce, served as an ice cube is the perfect way to spice up my burger's, breakfast burritos, and other creations.  I also make a delicious lasagna- and have the same issue - too much left over and what do do with the excess.

Come to think of it, why not freeze mini-sized desserts this way?  Talk about a portion control!  On days I really want to splurge I can defrost three ice cubes of strawberry cobbler, cheesecake or cake!

I am on a roll these days, as I have lost 10 pounds.  All I needed to lose in the first place.  Have you ever noticed how hard it is to lose those last 10 pounds?  It was easier than I thought when I realized what the problem was this;  huge portions.    Not to mention the nightly wine, and desserts!

I am really excited about this new idea.  Those Skinny Cow ice cream bars are getting boring,  and now I am motivated to stick to the perimeters of my weight control.

So off I go, am making my list of all the favorite foods I love, that can be frozen into cubes.

Is this called thinking outside the cube?

Not that excited about J.K. Rowling's new novel

Glamour Enertainment

I am not that excited about what I have read about J.K. Rowling's new book : A Casual Vacancy.  Official Details on J.K. Rowling's New Book.

Maybe because I am not a voracious reader.  Or, more likely, that Harry Potter was a once in a lifetime read for me.  I rarely pick up a book, but when I read Harry Potter, this was truly a unique personal experience.

The latest book is scheduled to hit the UK bookstores September 27th, and as is promoted to adults  as "blackly comic, thought-provoking and constantly surprising.” 

The story centers around Barry Fairweather , dying unexpectedly in a little town called Pagford.  The sets the town into a tailspin. The town is wrought with discordance  and - with Barry's death- the townspeople wage a war against one another about whom will fill his parish council seat.

It may be unfair, but the subject matter does not amuse or excite me.  Of course, this is R.K. Rowling, and I honestly believe that someone with her phenomenal skill set cannot turn out an inferior novel.  I am going by my gut at this point, with little information.

I suppose I had hoped it would be another fantasy, something I could drown my worries when reading, but I don't get that warm and fuzzy about this new novel.  

My gut also tells me there will be lots of disappointed readers from the standpoint of the subject matter.  I believe that when you have winner, go with it, and don't change course mid-stream.  Rowling's found a winner in the Harry Potter series, and while she could not continue writing endless books about Harry, she definitely could embrace the whimsical, and magical elements that we so loved about this novel.

Time will tell, for Rowling's.  There is no way she will ever be a failure, she has earned her place in history as a remarkable writer.  I admire and love her style, and am hoping she will surprise everyone with her new effort.

Adios, Harry!

85 Seconds into Orbit, a Bust for North Korea

North Korea is at it again; thankfully, this time the launch failed 85 seconds into orbit:  official-north-Korea-missile-launch-expected-in-next-24-to-48-hours/
I don't like this at all. The Koreans' want us to blow this off, and look the other way. They are trying to make light of it. it is feared that it may contain Uranium which would indicate North Korea has a facility hidden away.  The trajectory, originally  scheduled to be a long one, ended in seconds after lift off.  Apparently, they have not done their homework on this one.    
The launch, put Koreans' in violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions, which prohibit Korea from testing ballistic missiles. They have already performed two nuclear tests with plutonium.
It irks me that we have to sit back and take it on the chin. It seems like this should be addressed again by the United Nations. It is a risk to us globally. The time to nip this in the bud is now. We can't give them a pass on this issue. It is just going to get bigger and better next time.
The fact that we are in close touch with Asian nations is no comfort to me at all. We need to stop this launch, now.
North Korea is placating us by saying that this launch is simply a satellite,  Shining Star;  put into orbit as a 100 year celebration commemorating its' founder, Kim Il Sung. The experts maintain that while this missile probably has a satellite attached to it, it may be a ploy to test long range missile capability.
This is not going away anytime soon. It is an issue that needs to be addressed and resolved now.  The  next launch is expected to be far more threatening.
My gut tells me trouble is brewing - and I hope it doesn't land in my horizon.

War Dogs

America has always been proud of our soldiers, who fight selflessly to preserve our freedom.  However, apparently no recognition is given to their four-legged partners;' Soldier Dogs' and their handlers.

These dogs fight by our mens' sides, willingly risk their lives' to save our soldiers', and are not even recognized.
Air Force Sargent Blake Olsen, serving in Afghanistan was awarded a Purple Heart. His canine partner, Blek, was also injured, but received nothing in return.
"Dogs are soldiers too.  They give up their whole lives for this," Olson says.  "Not to be recognized officially is a slap in the face."
Just recently, legislation was introduced into Congress: The Canine Members of the Armed Forces Act H.R. 4103 - S.2134.  This legislation, if passed, would afford military dogs the well deserved recognition they have rightfully earned.

Frankly, I was amazed that this legislation has not already been enacted.  Police dogs serving the cities around the United States are recognized as full partners' to our police.

Why not military dogs?

These animals have faithfully served our  men way back to WW1, when a solider smuggled his pet pit pull overseas.

The pet, Sgt. Stubby, was to serve as a companion to the men.  However, he had saved so many lives, he was taxidermied  and currently is on display at the Smithsonian Institute.

This was 85 years ago, however, the war dog program purportedly did not begin until WW2.

Looking at the faces of these loyal canine soldiers makes me sad, and more so now that I know they serve without recognition.

I personally want to get on the bandwagon - to get these humble canines recognized with their solider partners- rightfully earning their place in history, which they have earned.

Pets Go to Heaven

If I get to go to heaven, I want to see all my pets there.   I had this discussion with our pastor, a Catholic priest, and he insisted that animals do not go to heaven because they don't have souls.  I want to believe they do, so this article made me smile: Rick Warren: Dogs go to heaven.

Anyone that has a love affair with a pet, understands this.  The most humble creatures, loving us unconditionally, how could they NOT be in heaven waiting on us?  When the world turns against me, and I am at the lowest ebb, I can look to my pets (especially my dog, Pepe), for the love to make it on to the next day.

I have discussions with him, and he looks at me with the biggest, most soulful eyes, as if to say:  I know, I understand, I am here for you.

Pepe's side kick, Coco

Pepe', relaxing on the couch
It is also nice that he has that teddy bear coat, the coat that all children go wild over.  When I walk him around my complex, I delight in the squeals that come out of every corner of the community:  Pepe! Pepe! the polar bear dog -you'd think he was a celebrity!

I took him up to our resort area in Estes Park.  This particular weekend, there were loads of Japanese tourists, they absolutely went wild.  Pepe', a Great Pyrenees Mountain dog, is extremely popular in Japan.  I was  exhausted following my stroll through the town.  I was stopped constantly and asked if I would let Pepe' pose for a picture!

Who says a dog's life is not exciting?

With this said, how can Pepe'  not go to heaven.  After all, heaven is everything wonderful and meaningful for us.  If dogs were an important part of our family, it stands to reason they would be waiting for us on the other side.

When I close my eyes for the last time, rather than go through that vacant, bright tunnel, I much prefer a big wet, kiss from Pepe'.